Election 2023 candidate spotlight: Tama Mayor

Candidate name: John Anderson
Age: 61
Profession: Engineering Technician
Education: U of Iowa, U of Illinois, Kirkwood College Total 129 credit hrs. Qualify for Strategic Technology Enterprise, one class away from Business Management Enterprise. Currently taking online classes at Illinois, next semester probably, hopefully to get an engineering degree.
Family: Amanda Olsen of Toledo, girlfriend
1. What makes you want this position? The lackadaisical attitude of the existing mayor and city council towards issues that relate to the public welfare and well-being of the citizenry of Tama. The drug paraphernalia store opened in downtown Tama, to further the Vape manufacturing of the Meskwaki Settlement, next year it will be pot. Furthermore, there are no controls as to what is added to the marijuana. Spice is regularly sprayed on pot to enhance the high and addiction in some stores selling this. This isn’t the case in Tama but well could be. Second, the ongoing placement of subliminal messages in college textbooks that use a latent ink to place on the individual pages, see the book The Age of Manipulation p. 51 3 rd I’ve made a complaint to the Meskwaki Casino that subliminal messaging may be being in use in their audio music. If this is the case it directly violates the ATF’s prohibition of selling alcohol and placing subliminal messages in the same venue. Lastly, I have wrote to the company International Paper and they say they wasn’t a prospectus. The total lack of initiative showed by the Tama Economic Council and the Tama town council shows their intentional use of ESG/woke precepts when forming new business’s. I personally have a list of at least 20 mentors, all highly accomplished businessmen wiling and able to help me undo the disastrous policies of the resent town council that induced the closing of the Tama Paper Mill. I would without a doubt fight tooth and nail to save it.
2. What would you do if elected? Treat everyone with respect and courtesy, which is by the way a major problem at the Tama Library according to my own experiences.
3. Do you think there are any pressing problems that need solving? Getting rid of the riff raff now that we have the post shop downtown.
4. What would you like to see change in our community? Emphasis of community leadership. The churches of Tama have and extraordinary job in this respect. I worked two jobs at the Meskwaki Casino and was impressed at their professionalism and service.
5. Do you think it would be a good idea for Tama-Toledo to become one united community with one public works, one police station, one fire station, etc.? I spoke to Amanda’s grandma before she passed and she said “Toledo has everything!” Why should we have an inferiority complex? My deference will be to the people who have made this their home for generations and be very careful not to intrude or any way step on the toes of those who have made Tama a success through out the years. I met a denizen of Tama at the Deadwood, and he said, “Don’t ever leave Tama!” I’m not going to tell the citizens of Tama their business, they know what their doing. I like the flavor of Tama, I wouldn’t want to mess with it by joining Toledo.
6. Do you think Tama-Toledo should have more art around town similar to the mural painted at the Tama Abstract Building? Theirs my weakness, I know nothing about art.
7. What are some of your favorite things to do in Tama-Toledo? Walks, enjoying the stars at night and seeing what’s cooking at the Meskwaki Church on Mondays at 5.
8. If Tama-Toledo was an animal, what kind of animal do you think it would be? Tama is not an animal. The existence of the subject I don’t recognize.
9. What is your favorite color? Today as the sun was going down in the east, I saw a peculiar cumulus cloud and juxtaposed to it was the moon. Why does Tama have the best sunsets I’ve every seen? People have called it God’s Country, and I wouldn’t contradict the statement.
10. Why should people vote for you? Because I’m a disrupter.
Candidate name: Brian Hanus
Age: 67
Profession: Retired
Education: High School graduate
Family: Married with 2 children and 1 grandson
1. What makes you want this position? I was appointed as the mayor and would like help continue to help the community.
2. What would you do if elected? Continue the projects that the city is currently doing.
3. Do you think there are any pressing problems that need solving? The 5th street bridge and Cherry lake and the culvert repairs along highway 63, Library repairs.
4. What would you like to see change in our community? I would like to see more businesses in the community and more things for people to do.