
Street names and contracts

This week's Toledo City Council meeting

The Toledo City Council came to Monday’s meeting with their homework finished. At the previous meeting, the council members were told to think up possible names for the new street at the new Woodlawn housing development. After much discussion and a few suggestions, the council went with a historic nod, landing on Leander Drive.

Representatives of the Kid’s Corner Daycare were present to discuss the renegotiation of their lease agreement. The non-profit daycare is facing the impending expense of multiple repairs. Also, the current contract, from 2016, doesn’t clarify certain aspects regarding repairs.

Another subject up for discussion is rent. The council wishes to raise the monthly rent of the non-profit daycare to $1,500, but the daycare sees a raise to $1,000 as more agreeable. The council decided to set up a parley, a work session consisting of council members and representatives of the daycare.

The council also heard a review of the city insurance and approved renewal.

The council also decided to set a date for Halloween Trick or Treating, after a lot of thought and some discussion they decided on Oct. 31 from 5-7 p.m.

Also approved were the FY22 annual financial Report, and the 2023 Legislative Summary Code update.

Police Chief Dan Quigley reported that between Sept. 11 and Sept. 24, the Toledo Police Department responded to 148 calls to service. Six adults were arrested and had one juvenile referral. They also conducted 36 traffic stops, which led to 17 citations, five written warnings, and various other verbal warnings. The Chief also served a nuisance abatement in the 700 block of East State Street.