
Happy Creek Hollow: The Origins of the Psycho Mayor

Discover the beginnings the crazy career of the psycho Mayor of Gladbrook, and learn about his sinister origins in Happy Creek Hollow!

In his creaking, decrepit house in Happy Creek Hollow, not-yet-Mayor Keith plans to take over the town no matter what. Anyone who gets in his way will be dealt with in a courteous yet decisive manner so they are incapable of bothering him again. What goes on behind those weathered boards and dirty windows? What is the meaning of those lonely screams in the night? JoAnne, eager to be the Mayoress, knows all about the goings-on in Happy Creek Hollow, and has enlisted her servants and children to support her bid to become First Lady of Gladbrook. You do not want to find yourself in her scary basement.

Keith’s occupation as the proprietor of the local cemetery, located directly behind his house, also gives him plenty of opportunities to take care of local problems that annoy him. Despite his malevolent plans, he is protected by the Corn Children around his house who are happy to redirect the curiosity of anyone who attempts to discover the would-be Mayor’s evil plans.

Come and find out about the creepy ambitions of the man who wanted to be Mayor at all costs!