
Office hours changing at MICA Family Centers

Additional flexible options to be offered to families in need of services

At MICA, the last year has reinforced to us that families need our flexibility now more than ever in how they access our services. Fortunately, we have made changes to meet that need, including virtual visits, curbside pickup, and more.

We have evaluated how we can use the lessons from this last year to better serve the needs of families, and that has resulted in making some changes at our Family Development Centers.

Effective 11/1, MICA’s Tama County Family Development office hours will change to Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. These hours are intended to be available for families who need to visit our Family Development Center in person, and do not affect the operational hours of our on-site Head Start classroom.

Though this will result in our Family Development Office being open to the public for fewer hours in the day, it enables our staff to be able to meet family needs in new and innovative ways. This can include evening or weekend appointments for families who struggle to visit us during the day and bringing our services directly to families at their home.

Anyone in need of assistance can still call MICA at any time during our regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 4:00PM. In many cases, we can fill out applications for energy assistance, address crisis needs, or provide other services entirely over the phone or through email.

We are able to make appointments any day of the week to meet the needs of families. We highly encourage any families in need of assistance to call us first at 641-752-7162.

For more information, contact us by phone, at info@micaonline.org or through our website, www.micaonline.org.