
Toledo-Tama Kiwanis install officers

At the Oct. 9 meeting, John Legg installed officers for 2019 – 2020 to lead the Toledo-Tama Kiwanis. Installed as president was Joanna Hofer. Vice President is Mary Fasse-Shaw. Secretary is Donna Smith. Donna left her position as last term’s president and took on the duties of secretary. John Kavalier continues to serve as treasurer.

Board members are Cynthia Roth, Harold Woodworth and Anne Michael. Currently, board meetings are held in the last Wednesday of the month.

Plans are underway for the selling of Christmas trees which is a major fund raising project for the group. Also, members are arranging for programs that will be part of the meetings during the forthcoming term. The group looks forward to another year of helping our children and our communities.