
Young readers Kali series begins next week in News-Herald

Reading Across America 2018 features Kali, an orphaned polar bear cub. He made news across the country when he was just a few months old but is grown up now.

News-Herald readers can discover the tale of how Kali traveled the country, growing and learning before taking up residence at the St. Louis Zoo beginning Feb. 23 in The Tama News-Herald.

The story, written by Carolyn Mueller and illustrated by Jeremy Patton and Jayne Ballew is geared to young people. See more about Kali on Page 2.

Kali, an orphaned polar bear cub, was born near alaska’s northwest coast and forad on an ATV to the town onf Point Lay.

He had three plane trips to Anchorage, Buffal, New York and Memphis, Tenn.

When he was 2 1/2 years-old and weighing 250 lbs., he took the last leg of his trip to St. Louis, Mo., in a customized truck sized and cooled to polar bear standards.

Polar bears are known to regularly travel long distances, but Kali may take the record!

The heartwarming tale takes Kali from one adventure to another as he grows and learns how to be a polar bear.