
Planning continues for Chelsea 150th Celebration

Monday, Nov. 4, is the date of the next planning meeting for the Chelsea 150th celebration. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Chelsea Fire Station.

Chelsea will be celebrating its sesquicentennial on July 25 and 26, 2014. Activities planned so far include: 4th annual Chelsea car show, parade, Chelsea Firemen’s hog roast & dance, antique tractor / gas engine display, history display, tractor “pull” (this one will require some human power!), vendor fair, rolle bolle tournament, community picnic, beard contest, kolache contest, old time costume contest, king and queen contest and Little Miss and Little Mr. Chelsea selection. We have many more ideas for activities so we still need volunteers to help!

The history book committee is off to a great start! A publishing company has been selected and has helped develop a pamphlet that gives information, sample submissions, and even an opportunity to order the book early at a discounted price! These pamphlets are being mailed to all those with a Chelsea address and others with Chelsea ties. If you would like to receive one, just send an email:

chelsea150th@gmail.com. Watch for more information about the history book in future news articles!

Raffle tickets are still being sold at the Chelsea Savings Bank in Chelsea for the beautiful handmade quilt. While you’re in Chelsea, stop by the library and check out their “150 for 150” contest. To enter, just check out 150 items from the Chelsea Library between now and July 15, 2014. The library not only has books, but also magazines, audio books, movies, and more. If you don’t already have a Chelsea library card, you can sign up for one and get double points for anything you check out that day. Prizes will be awarded for this contest. While you’re at the library, you can also purchase a “Chelsea Elementary Keepsake Cookbook.” This cookbook was compiled during the final year the Chelsea Elementary school was in operation. Profits from the sale of the cookbooks will be used to help fund the 150th celebration, and these cookbooks make excellent gifts!

Once again, the next meeting is Monday, Nov. 4, and another is planned for Monday, Nov. 18. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the Chelsea Fire Station. For more information or to offer ideas or help, visit the Facebook group “Chelsea’s 150th Birthday” and/or email the committee chelsea150th@gmail.com. Hope to see you on the 4th!

-Submitted by

Janet Balvin