
4th annual Toledo Stoplight Festival

Tama-Toledo Chamber of Commerce coordinator Cassie Sokol is flanked by Chamber BBQ?Contest winners Friday night after the judging. Curt Kriegel (left) was a double winner - he won 1st place for his pork loin and also was chosen the “People’s Choice.” He was sponsored by Wilkerson Hardware. Runner-up was Matt Zmolek with his smoked salmon entry. He was sponsored by Independent Insurance. Chronicle photos/John Speer
South Tama High School teacher and coach Jay Hoskey challenges some young people to take a “throw” at him while he sat in the Wieting Theatre Dunk Tank.
Storm Seymour, Stephanie Snow and Friends.
Dogs on Skis.
The Meskwaki Drum Group kicked off the entertainment at the 4th annual Toledo Stoplight Festival with a selection of Native?American songs.

The crowd was large as always for the 4th annual Toledo Stoplight Festival on Friday, July 5. Five bands entertained on the bandstand on the Tama County Courthouse Square, the Toledo Farmers Market selection of locally-grown produce continues to build weekly and the annual T-T Area Chamber of Commerce Cook-Off featured outstanding grilling.

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