
Tama to form Sesquicentennial Committee

TAMA NEWS-HERALD- Tama’s Sesquicentennial observance is in 2012. In recognizing the 150th year of the founding, the Tama City Council and Mayor Chris Bearden are inviting all interested to attend a meeting set for Monday, Oct. 3, at the Tama Civic Center. It is planned to form the Tama Sesquicentennial Committee to coordinate activities in 2012 that evening.

City officials said at the regular council meeting Monday night the event might be combined in an expanded Lincoln Highway Bridge Festival. It will be the 33rd year for that popular mid-May attraction which is sponsored by the Tama-Toledo Area Chamber of Commerce.

Council members said they expected the city would contribute to the funding of Sesquicentennial activities.

Council member Steve Baier suggested a return of the noon barbecue which drew large crowds as an added event.

Member Robert Tyynismaa said financial support for parade entries could be another role for the city to play.

Mayor Chris Bearden said expansion of entertainment and activities later in the afternoon should be considered.

City Clerk Judy Welch said she has had three persons who have expressed an interest in being a part of the committee, so far.