
Extension updates Ag Decision Maker website

Ag Decision Maker, one of the most visited Iowa State University Extension and Outreach websites, has a new look.

The decision-oriented agricultural business website now showcases new and emerging issues within farm management. While the design of the Web page has changed, the Web address “http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm”>www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm and the Ag Decision Maker purpose, to provide up-to-date information from agricultural economists at Iowa State University and other Midwest universities and institutions, remain the same.

AgDM posts timely tips throughout the month on the AgDM blog and through its Twitter feed:


The Ag Decision Maker website currently has more than 3,200 visitors per day. These visitors spend a total of 500 hours on the site every day.

Visit the site at www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm and bookmark it for future reference. Monthly email notification of new information posted to the website is available at no charge.

Visit the “email sign-up” link on the homepage for the online form, or email agdm@iastate.edu.