
Vote now in Cedar Valley contest for Tama county businesses

Voting in the Dream Big Grow Here Cedar Valley grant contest is now underway. Entrepreneurs and business owners compete online for a chance to win a $5,000 regional grant and then become eligible to compete for a chance to win a $10,000 grand prize.

We’ve got two entries from Tama County and we encourage you to vote and promote Tama County. Go to www.dreambiggrowherecedarvalley.com to vote. You can vote every day until October 5.

Sandy McAntire of Chelsea owns Shoestring Jungle, a complete scalable marketing package that includes retail floor space, an online ecommerce engine, a social media suite, inventory management, storage and shipping services.

Patrick Weber of Dysart owns 3rd Pig Consulting, which offers brand management, a first class web presence and the knowledge to implement crucial back office duties most efficiently.