Nine things to know from Monday’s Tama city council meeting
on December 19th, 2022
Liquor licenses for Tama Ballroom LLC. and El Gallito were approved.
The Council was guided through an audit presentation by Chris Nelson.
The Council approved the Fire and EMS Departments’ recommendations for officer appointments.
Jim Hicklin was hired as a part-time (as-needed) paramedic for EMS.
Resolution 22-48 was approved, authorizing transfers between city funds.
Resolution 22-29 was approved for the reimbursement of $8,883.82 for the lead line replacement at 1201 Harding St. American Rescue Funds will be used to pay for the reimbursement.
The Council approved the increase in budget for Water Testing for PFAS. The city of Tama will send samples directly to the water testing company rather than through a 3rd-party. The Iowa DNR requires this water testing.
The Council approved sewer work on the Wastewater Plant. Hawkeye Electrical Services will be removing and replacing the MCC Change at the lift station for $7,838.70 and removing & replacing the pump wiring at the sewer plant for $2,099.48.
The Police department was approved to purchase a 2022 Tahoe at $62,543.43 from Carl’s Outfitters to replace one of the two Ford Taurus vehicles the department will be decommissioning in the coming months.