
Tama County artists sought for annual show

The Iowa Artists organization is looking for artists to submit their artwork for the Iowa Artists Annual Area 7 Art Show.

Iowa Artists is a statewide, non-profit organization that works to encourage and educate artists around the state, and Area 7 covers artists living in Tama, Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Butler and Grundy counties. A $25 membership fee entitles artists to submit 3 works of art. The show will be held Saturday, March 25th at the Denver, Iowa, Public Library, and deadline for submission of entry forms is March 18.

Blue ribbon winners at this show will go on to the State Iowa Artists Show in Ames on May 13. Find the rules and membership forms at www.iowaartists.us, or contact Patricia at trishie@cfu.net and 277-3504; or Sandy at lrittgers@gmail.com and 239-4957 for the forms and information.