
11/21/22 Elberon Area Woman’s Club minutes

The Elberon Area Woman’s Club met on November 21, 2022, with 6 members present. Before our meeting, we pulled the flowers from the planters and placed artificial trees in them, adding some tinsel as decoration. Then-Secretary, Marilyn Silhanek called the meeting to order in the absence of the president, Ruth. Secretary, Marilyn read the minutes of the October meeting and Doris Parizek, the treasurer, gave the financial report. A memorial was sent to the family of a member, Susan Valenta. Both reports were approved as read.

Old business included the discussion of the “School Bell.” Tabled until construction is completed.

New Business: Treasurer Doris Parizek said a second name was needed as a check writer on the club’s account. Rachael Dray offered to have her name entered into the account.

It is time to notify area schools of the scholarship we offer each year. The senior student needs to have an Elberon address which involves the North Tama, South Tama, Benton, and Union Community schools.

Our December 19th meeting will be held at the Lincoln Cafe in Belle Plaine. We will meet there at 11:00. Election of officers will be held. There will be no meetings in January and February.

Meeting adjourned.

Amanda Nettesheim served lunch.